I hate the thought of diets, but I hate the thought of not trying to give something a try. I like the idea of the structure of diets, which is why I would like to try something where I can omit certain things out of my every day habits for only 7 days.
Only 7 days seems more bearable than omitting it for 30 days. If I can do a week, it feels like I can maybe accomplish going longer without said temptation.
September 1st-7th I will be attempting a no sugar into my life. My goal is to do the elimination "diet" per my naturopathic doctor's suggestion. I have been delaying this because it felt like it was a bit overwhelming to even start with how long I was supposed to eliminate something, when to re-incorporate the food/ not.

As far as my allergist is concerned, I am the "Queen of Allergies". While I agree with her on being a queen, I would have liked that moniker for something else. In good news, I had gotten tested on a lot of foods, and was allergic or had an intolerance to a lot and most things. The one thing I thankfully was able to eat again and not have an allergic reaction to was a walnut pizza. My allergist said my allergy to walnuts and pecans are on the lower end of the scale so I shouldn't have a problem with them. She was right, because I unknowingly ate a slice of pizza that had chopped walnuts on it, and didn't realize it until my second slice. My first slice I had eaten 3 or 4 hours prior and nothing happened. The next slice I ate with wild freedom and smiled the whole time because I kept thinking about how many foods I can eat again, and how many more snacks I can have with walnuts in them. So as to not put my body through crazy shock, I'm going to go easy and not pop them in my mouth like an addict, but I will ease back into it.

My sugar-free week is inspired by a lot of things, but mainly by food stylist/blogger/recipe developer Lee From America. I came across her while watching Bon Appetit's "Healthyish" vlog and she was on it. I was interested in how she was talking about holistic living and finding the proper food nutrients to enable your body to heal and continually re-heal itself.
And think what you will of food healing the body, it's not some weird hippy dippy stuff, it makes sense that the right foods impact our bodies to perform at their best as well as healing itself when we listen to it; and to me, it's just a more purposeful way of eating and living.
I made not be on the same bandwagon as she is to the level that she's on, but she has found something that works for her, and there is nothing better than that feeling of realizing you are not a one-size-fits-all, so why would choosing what you eat be any different?


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