Now that I've been sort of caught up on life, I can kind of catch you all (the small amount of readers) up on my life since November. This is how crazy fast life is, that it's now already June of 2018 and I can honestly say I don't know where the time has gone.
Quickie timeline on the transition to pescetarianism hasn't been difficult, but I have eaten red meat here and there. Not nearly as much as I did in the past, and I make it count if I do eat it. Same issues occur when I eat red meat, and that is a lack of easy digestion; the opposite effect happens with my seafood intake. I'm much happier when I'm consuming that or a ton of vegetables and seafood. The wonderful epiphany I had yesterday was when I went to the grocery store and bee-lined for the fresh produce and became excited to shop the perimeter with much more ease than I had in the past. I've enjoyed going through my cookbooks and finding quick and easy recipes for vegetables that I didn't necessarily pay attention to in the past. Veg was more of a side dish for me than a main meal, and now my mentality has slowly converted to feeling satisfied after eating handfuls of grape tomatoes and Persian cucumber slices plain or with a little olive oil and sea salt.
With all that has gone on since November, it's safe to say I'm getting a groove that I wasn't able to jump into as ease-free when living in Portland.
For the quickie timeline on my living sitch, I have officially moved back to Florida and it has been one of the most beneficial and healthy outcomes I have seen in my life since making the move to Portland, OR 3 years ago.
I found a new level of stress and the types of ways that I wasn't coping with things and finding other ways of coping. Back in May of last year I lost my nephew (which I will gloss over in this post because it will take much more to time to write about and I will fill you all in that emotion next time.) that was a huge ordeal that had me in a state of sadness for not being closer to family.
Then in December, my Nana passed away and again it was another experience that I was away from family. During that time I was preparing for a work trip to California for 2 weeks, and had also applied for a visual merchandising job with IKEA in Jacksonville in the same time. I get the call for the interview the same morning I received the news of my Nana passing, and then went to leave for the funeral in South Carolina and received the job offer while I was in South Carolina.
It was a bag of mixed emotions to say the least and they continued from there when I got back to Portland, to leave for California for work. I was there working under a unique work environment and trying to find places to live in Jacksonville since I only had about a month before moving.
If this all seems like a whirlwind, it's because it was. Typing it out I'm already tired thinking of the emotional toll it took on me as well as what my family members were dealing with and experiencing.
I went to the funeral with my mind already wanting to be closer to family after my sister, brother-in-law and nephew (back in May). Then come December I was so grateful to have gotten the job offer in Jax that I was already preparing myself to be closer to family.
All of that to say: 'It's good to be back!'
I will make sure to keep you all posted with the on-goings of what's been happening thus far since the move and the sweet people I had to say goodbye to, and the sweet people I'm now saying hello to.
Quickie timeline on the transition to pescetarianism hasn't been difficult, but I have eaten red meat here and there. Not nearly as much as I did in the past, and I make it count if I do eat it. Same issues occur when I eat red meat, and that is a lack of easy digestion; the opposite effect happens with my seafood intake. I'm much happier when I'm consuming that or a ton of vegetables and seafood. The wonderful epiphany I had yesterday was when I went to the grocery store and bee-lined for the fresh produce and became excited to shop the perimeter with much more ease than I had in the past. I've enjoyed going through my cookbooks and finding quick and easy recipes for vegetables that I didn't necessarily pay attention to in the past. Veg was more of a side dish for me than a main meal, and now my mentality has slowly converted to feeling satisfied after eating handfuls of grape tomatoes and Persian cucumber slices plain or with a little olive oil and sea salt.
With all that has gone on since November, it's safe to say I'm getting a groove that I wasn't able to jump into as ease-free when living in Portland.
For the quickie timeline on my living sitch, I have officially moved back to Florida and it has been one of the most beneficial and healthy outcomes I have seen in my life since making the move to Portland, OR 3 years ago.
I found a new level of stress and the types of ways that I wasn't coping with things and finding other ways of coping. Back in May of last year I lost my nephew (which I will gloss over in this post because it will take much more to time to write about and I will fill you all in that emotion next time.) that was a huge ordeal that had me in a state of sadness for not being closer to family.
Then in December, my Nana passed away and again it was another experience that I was away from family. During that time I was preparing for a work trip to California for 2 weeks, and had also applied for a visual merchandising job with IKEA in Jacksonville in the same time. I get the call for the interview the same morning I received the news of my Nana passing, and then went to leave for the funeral in South Carolina and received the job offer while I was in South Carolina.
It was a bag of mixed emotions to say the least and they continued from there when I got back to Portland, to leave for California for work. I was there working under a unique work environment and trying to find places to live in Jacksonville since I only had about a month before moving.
If this all seems like a whirlwind, it's because it was. Typing it out I'm already tired thinking of the emotional toll it took on me as well as what my family members were dealing with and experiencing.
I went to the funeral with my mind already wanting to be closer to family after my sister, brother-in-law and nephew (back in May). Then come December I was so grateful to have gotten the job offer in Jax that I was already preparing myself to be closer to family.
All of that to say: 'It's good to be back!'
I will make sure to keep you all posted with the on-goings of what's been happening thus far since the move and the sweet people I had to say goodbye to, and the sweet people I'm now saying hello to.
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