How people originally start off and decide they are going to switch out their entire diet is commendable. I think I find it hardest to completely alter how I have been eating for most of my life because it just seems more accessible. I know that isn't true because I enjoy healthier foods over greasy fatty foods.
A few months ago, I remember being so grossed out by some meat I had just eaten after having not had it for some time. It was greasy and heavy, and it made me nauseous. I could barely stomach the taste after a couple of bites and I think that's when I realized my body lets me know when it's ready to reject things, the taste of certain meats for sure makes me sick to my stomach.

My goal on the first week in eliminating the gluten is to not be too hard on myself when I find myself craving those things. My brain has been tricked into wanting those things, thinking it needs it; so I'm going to be a little bit gracious as I try to figure this all out while I'm at a transitioning point in my life with all of this moving and new work environments, and figuring out how to pay off debts, which is another thing I will talk about later. When my life doesn't have it's normal routines, I find it harder to have staples in my eating habits---like, my access to a kitchen or prepping food has to be available for me to feel like I have the capacity to take care of everything I need. Trust me, when I say I am a note taker and list maker, I do that all for my own benefit and satisfaction because I feel like I need to be able to check things off a list otherwise I feel a little scatter-brained.

The start of my first week of no gluten, I'll be on a plane, which means a lack of options. They have nuts, and sometimes they have food, but most of the time I can probably get away with fruit slices and cheese if they have that. I think I may only be guaranteed those options on Alaska. I will have to choose wisely before my flight and see what I can get a shop nearby so that I don't become gluttonous on the plane out of desperation.


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